Weather in Mauritius in October

Is October a good time to visit Mauritius?

October is the start of the peak season in Mauritius but the weather is still variable. You can expect sunny days and cool evenings. Although October has low rainfall compared to the summer months, the sky can be overcast, particularly in the morning, and there can be a chilly wind. Any grey skies are usually burnt off by mid-morning, so enjoy a leisurely breakfast head out to the pool a bit later.

Climate in Mauritius in October

Average temperature in October ranges from 18 – 26°C, and the sea temperature will be around 24°C (75°F). Humidity is a comfortable 76%.

What’s on in Mauritius in October?

Most of the events and festivals which take place in Mauritius occur over the summer months.

What to pack for a holiday in Mauritius in October

Shorts and beach clothes for the day, but trousers and some light woollen clothes may be required for the cooler October evenings. Some hotels may require a jacket and long trousers for dining in the evening. Women should cover up when walking from the hotel to the beach. Plastic sandals are a good idea for swimming to avoid cutting your feet on the coral or stings from sea urchins.